Part-time course
Diploma in Project Management

Diploma in Project Management Course

If you are interested in Project Management or work in the area you will know that today’s enterprise is almost always in “project mode”, delivering organisational change, new systems, technologies, designs or products. These are in response to fast-moving strategies, technologies, regulations, competition or other challenges. Without effective management of projects schedules slip, costs overrun, quality suffers and risks loom over the entire endeavour.

This evening course aims to develop a clear understanding of the best practices, principles, disciplines and characteristics of good project management in the modern organisation.

On completion of this project management course participants will be able to:

  • Understand and interpret the breadth and depth of the PM knowledge areas
  • Differentiate and apply the required processes from PM process groups
  • Match the right tools and techniques to the right problems in the most effective way
  • Exercise excellent management and control of challenging project situations
  • Effectively lead and direct project activities, tasks and teams
  • Develop and utilise clear and effective documentation such as the Project Charter

CCT College Dublin Professional Certification confirms the successful completion of the Diploma in Project Management. Professional Certification supports career advancement through verification of upskilling. This programme does not lead to an award on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).

This course will benefit business and technology managers from all sectors responsible for project management throughout the project lifecycle, regardless of their industry. It will also benefit those looking to enhance their ability to deliver projects within the constraints of cost, time and quality.

  • Introduction, foundation and the project environment
  • Role and competencies of the project manager
  • Technical Project Manager; Strategic & Business Management; Leadership
  • Knowledge Areas
  • Process Groups
  • Importance of the “Triple Constraint” – scope, time, cost
  • Project management tools and techniques
  • Comparison of methodologies
  • Practical case studies & exercises
  • Applying for certification and maintaining those credentials

  • Case-study based learning
  • Self-directed learning
  • Individual and group exercises and discussion
  • Online learning platform

We are hosting a number of events in the lead up to the next academic year to give prospective students the opportunity to find out more about their course and the College.  At the moment these events are virtual and you can pre-register here.

You can also make a safe socially distanced 1-2-1 appointment with an Admissions Advisor in the College campus building here from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.

Ready to start your journey?